And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

June 9th to 15th in North American Indian History by Phil Konstantin  

    June 15th 
    1692: according to some sources, an agreement for land cessions from
    the delawares to pennsylvania is reached today. 
    1742: according to some reports, a conference regarding friendship and
    land cessions was held for the next four days between representatives of
    the british in new york and the "six nations." 
    1763: ind.attack ft.pitt 
    1763: i group of seneca, ottawa, wyandot, and chippewa indians
    surround fort presqu'ilse at modern-day erie, pennsylvania today. They
    will hold the fort, and its twenty-seven defenders under siege until june
    1799: handsome lake has vision 
    1831: mushulatubbe, and many other "full-blood" choctaws write to the
    secretary of war, lewis cass. They tell him they do not want any more
    of their annuity going to missionaries to pay for educating their children.
    The also do not want the missionaries going with them to indian
    territory. The letter will say, "we have not received a scholar out of
    schools that was able to keep a grog house book." 
    1846: us accepts oregon boundary 
    1864: today, cherokee troops, under cherokee brigadier general stand
    watie, will capture a steam ship loaded with supplies for union soldiers.
    The fighting took place on the arkansas river near fort gibson in indian
    1870: indians attack a ranch near fort bascom, in western new mexico.
    They "outrage", kill, and scalp a woman at the ranch. They then loot
    the ranch. A guard fires upon the indians, but they escape unharmed,
    and with five stolen horses belonging to the post trader. 
    1872: corporal daniel hickey, and soldiers from company h, eleventh
    infantry engage in a fight with some indians at johnson's station, texas.
    Two indians are reported killed. 
    1873: sioux indians attack fort abraham lincoln, in central north dakota,
    again. The garrison repels the indians. 
    1876: crook reenforced-prepares to advance. 
    1877: nez dedlne:on reserv,whites @ grangevil 
    1880: ute "treaty" 
    1881: steamers @ ft.yates w/1700 sioux 
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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