And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sent by DayStar

NEW YORK CITY: Two environmental and labor activists -
including one from
California - blockaded the doors of the Gap store at
34th Street and 6th
Avenue (note change of location) this afternoon to
protest the corporation's
involvement in redwood destruction and sweatshop
practices.  Activists JK
Canepa and Redwood Mary locked to the doors of the Gap
store in an act of
civil disobedience to say, "No more business as usual
until the Gap puts
people and the environment before profit."  Both were
arrested, charged with
disorderly conduct and released, but over 25
demonstrators remain on site.

The multi-billionaire Fisher family, founders of the
Gap Inc. clothing
empire (which includes Old Navy and Banana Republic),
are clearcutting some
of the last 3% of the old growth redwoods left in this
country, which are
the only ones in the world.

Gap profits financed the founding of Mendocino Redwood
Company (MRC), which
purchased 235,000 acres of redwood lands in Mendocino
County, CA last
summer.  MRC's clearcutting and use of the toxic
herbicide garlon are
pushing the endangered Coho salmon to extinction, and
jeopardizing other
species, as well as local residents.

"As consumers, we give our dollars to corporations such
as the Gap…and Home
Depot, the largest retailer of rainforest wood in the
world…in exchange for
their goods.  Those dollars are then used to invest in
the destruction of
our old-growth forests," states Redwood Mary.  An
activist from California,
Redwood Mary is the working partner of Julia Butterfly,
who has been living
200 feet up in a redwood for over a year and a half.

The Gap is also operating sweatshops on the South
Pacific island of Saipan.
The corporation is one of several being sued for using
indentured labor
(predominantly young women from Asia) to produce
clothing.  These immigrant
workers must sign contracts that deny them their basic
human rights, pay
exorbitant recruitment fees that keep them in a state
of indentured
servitude; work up to 12 hours per day, seven days a
week, and live in over
crowded housing in unsanitary conditions.

For more info re Gap's redwood destruction:
For photos:
For more info re Gap's sweatshop abuses:


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Heroine Mu Gui-Ying 
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doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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