And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: Dan Umstead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Official Statement From The Oneida Nation
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 08:48:14 +0000

Official Statement From The Oneida Nation

The Oneida Nation Challenges Landowner Groups To Help Find Author Of Threatening Letter

ONEIDA NATION HOMELANDS -  The Oneida Nation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and 
the New York State Police are aggressively investigating the letter threatening 
violence against Oneida Members, employees, and enterprises. The Nation firmly 
believes these vile threats are designed to terrorize the community, and we will spare 
no resource to bring these lawbreakers to justice.

        The Nation believes that the four groups of landowners opposed to the Oneida 
land claim are ultimately responsible for the proliferation of this threat and the 
creation of this hostile atmosphere. The Nation is pursuing a legal process to resolve 
its land claim under federal law, not advocating threats to a civil society. 
        The systematic distribution of this letter has added to the intimidating 
atmosphere created by the rhetoric and protests of the landowner groups who are 
looking to sabotage otherwise peaceful negotiations. Signs with men aiming shotguns 
and mock Patriot missiles pointed toward Turning Stone have fostered an environment 
that has led to this desperate, illegal activity.

In a letter regarding the Oneida land claim sent to Judge Neil McCurn yesterday, the 
leaders of these groups declared, "If such a climate continues, the future is 
ominous." Such a statement sounds more likely to come from a group of terrorists than 
from a group that professes non-violence.

        We challenge the leaders of Upstate Citizens for Equality, Madison-Oneida 
Landowners Inc., the Central New York Fair Business Association and the American 
Citizens Association to prove that they are not behind the authorship and distribution 
of this letter. We ask them to investigate the actions of their members and to provide 
any information they find to the appropriate authorities.

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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