And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: "Sky Walkinstik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Indian Summer

The Exposition, “Indian Summer” in Brussels  Although it is a well planned and 
pleasing to the eye ‘glitzy’ Exposition, it seriously lacks well researched historical 
information and does not address the
current situation of  the continued abuse of the Native American as a whole. One is 
misled into thinking that ‘all is well in the “Indian” world,’ it is not! The 
‘Exposition’ has purposely avoided these issues, both historical and political, and 
has replaced them with misleading historical and other erroneous rhetoric. The purpose 
for this apparent deception, I can only assume. One gets the distinct impression that 
the American Indian is ‘extinct.’

It is the first time that I have attended an Exposition in Brussels, being an 
International center for Culture and History, that the International language of 
English wasn’t used in compliment with the
spoken language(s) of the ‘Host Nation.’ Although it is advertised as being available, 
I have yet to find one sentence or hear one phrase in English, the Predominate spoken 
language of our People, at this
Exposition. It would only be common sense that if you are talking about a People you 
would at least be courteous enough to do so in a language they understand unless this 
Exposition is purposely hiding
something from them.

The Exposition also claims that no Sacred Items are on display!

It appears that no attempt was made to contact those ‘Tribal Nations,’ represented in 
this Exposition, to determine what is Sacred and what is not, and if the 
representation is historically correct, to their
individual Nations. It appears that many ‘Sacred’ items are on display. This issue 
needs to be addressed by the very People these items were taken from and represent. 
This is not a decision for those that do not belong to the Cultures involved; it is 
presumptuous at best and very disrespectful. Maybe one should become aware that we, 
the Native American, also have laws concerning these and others issues. Example: 
GAYANESHAKGOWA, The Great Laws of Peace from the Iroquois Confederacy. #15. No 
individual or foreign nation interested in case, question or proposition shall have 
any voice in the Council of League except to answer a question put to him by the 
Speaker of the Chiefs. Are we to believe that only the Law’s of the White Man can be 
considered valid in decision making of, and for, another People,

Below and continued on the following pages are just a few observations, amongst 
multitude of others, in question from the journal “ Indian Summer” and the “Teaching 
Guide.” If you were a Native American and just had parts of these Texts translated, 
you would also ask as to what the Exposition’s real purpose is behind this exposition, 
politics or exploitation, or both?

Indian Summer Journal:

Pg. 41

I want to start by example that anyone could easily verify, in order to give an idea 
of the numerous errors
concerning the Native American culture.

The artist, George Catlin did his tour of Europe in 1871, not “1845” as per Ref. Grote 
Larousse Encyclopedie Vol. 6, pg. 605. The Flemish version of the Journal calls him 
“James” Catlin.

Another example of this ‘error ridden’ journal, “ les ‘femmes’ immunitaires,” or were 
we supposed to
read: “les ‘defenses’ immunitaires” ?  It doesn’t look very serious but this is 
supposed to be a very well
researched and professionally edited journal of historical information.

Pg. 255

Wounded Knee: Fig. 3


“The bodies of the Sioux are lying in the snow at Wounded Knee after the massacre in 
1890, The last burst of the ARMED RESISTANCE of the Plaines Indians. “

( Wounded Knee was not an armed camp and Big Foot and his people has already 
surrendered tothe Army in the name of Peace. His people were slaughtered under a ‘Flag 
of Truce’) Univ. OK Press,  Anthro. “ The Ghost Dance Religion” and Sioux uprising of 

Pg. 254

Geronimo and his warriors: Fig. 2

“The Apache Chief had understood the importance of the information and picture in the 
resistance to the invader. He hopes, therewith, gaining sympathy of some Eastern 

( The photo in the book was ordered by the Army after Geronimo has surrendered. This 
was a posed photo before Geronimo and his warrior’s were shipped off to Florida in 
chains. )

 From Indian America to White America Pg. 41

“The Indians themselves, being so cunning and full of charisma, take advantage of 
their abilities in order to falsify, sometimes the history. ( Jacquin, 1996 )”

( I challenge Mr. Jaquin to produce documentation as to this slanderous comment, his 
intended implication is more than obvious, an insult! )



“Today, history becomes the basic, in order to request identities, as well as for 
their territories; in the U.S. and in Canada.  It is useful to insure their presence 
in a place, the signing of the treaties, the spoliation’s, the extortion’s, or the 
arrangements. (?)  Following the examples of every colonized and oppressed Nation, THE 

“Daughter of writing, History, seen by European invaders does only exist for 
civilizations possessing this way of communication.  People without writing stay 
perpetual children in front of the mother of
Culture, writing.  In fact, every human society stays submitted to change and to 
history, they produce then a collective memory passed ‘orally.’  Even if this memory 
is traveling between tale and history, it records events and is a very passionate way 
of getting information.”

(“It is useful to insure their presence in a place,”) The author of this, Mr. Jacquin, 
as much as implies that we are without a history, therefore, we didn’t exist even as 
children in his eyes until, He, the White Man, verified our existence then offered his 
summation of our history concerning a People he knew little or nothing about. He 
should learn a little more about “oral history” which frequently is more accurate than 
much of the written word because there is little or no gain, collectively, in changing 
it. Written history and its content are at the ‘whims,’ frequently, of the author(s), 
the invader or conqueror and writes that  history to fit his or her own needs, ( 
“traveling between tale and history” ). Oral history is not an
individual endeavor.

Example: The two books in question and mentioned here, ‘Indian Summer’ and the 
‘Teachers Guide.’ Need I say more?



“The most dramatic result of the sporadic contacts is the diffusion of unknown viruses 
and bacteria’s in the continent. A silent and fatal invasion leading to the drastic 
decrease of the Indian population, a
demographic collapse without precedent in history…..  Smallpox, flu, diphtheria, and 
typhus were nonexistent in America as confirmed by the analysis of the pre-Columbia 
skeletons. By this epidemic disaster, whole villages disappeared, the populations 
running away contaminating other groups….”

“These comparisons provoke the debate about the planned genocide, the epidemics, and 
the wars being not sufficient in order to explain the demographic decreases. In fact, 
no document, even today, may prove such a hypothesis of programmed extermination, in 
order to accuse the Colonial States or the United States.”

( “In fact, no document” ? ) The above summation is a contradiction within its self. 
This is highly unlikely considering the (documented) almost instantaneous outbreaks of 
infectious diseases, such as Smallpox, in relation to the issuing of blankets and 
other items to the NA’s by the Army, etc. ) I believe this observation needs deeper 
research and less speculation! I believe that there is written

It is as if one would say: ‘that the Concentration Camps of WWII did not exist and 
only a few Jewish people were war casualties.’  Revisionism?

Pg. 154  fig. 154, Flute.

“Amongst the First Nation’s, the choice of musical instruments is limited. All of them 
except the ‘love flute’ were utilized during ceremonies. The flute, in contrast, was 
played by the young man in
order to court a young lady.”

The flute’s entrance into courtship occurred much later in its history, it was 
originally used for meditation and self healing. I’m sure that the Blue and Gray Flute 
Clans of the Hopi would be happy to know that their Spring Flute Ceremony is nothing 
more than a ‘figment of their imagination.’ This would also apply to many other Tribal 
Nations of Canada and America.

Pg. 316  Squ..

This derogatory word can be found in both the Journal and the Teaching Guide.  The 
definition offered is at best sexist and in very poor taste. No, that word is not from 
the Algonquin language but
‘e’sqa…..’ is and it means the part of the body where a baby passes through! It is a 
forbidden word among most of the Traditional Native of NA and Canada. To be used in 
the Texts offered to the public or even privately is grossly disrespectful to the 
People of ‘Native America.’ We deeply respect and are proud of our women, they hold a 
very important position in our societies. The Author’s ignorance is no excuse for such 
an insult, a little research would have gone a long way.

Page. 126  Paragraph 2., bottom.

“ tetons tels Crazy Horse, Red Bull or Sitting Bull (Ewers, 1964)”

I believe the name “Red Bull” is in error, it should be Red Cloud!


Teachers Guide

Blackfeet, ( USA ) Page 36

“The Woman’s Society was particularly important for the Blackfeet as opposite to what 
the Europeans believed for a long time, ‘those’ Indians gave a place really less 
secondary to the woman.”

It is an Important Society for most of the Tribal Nations and is still in effect 
today. Ref.: This Land Is Our Land, Pg. 99 - 121, The Constitution of the Iroquois 
Confederacy.   Pueblo, and etc., Soleil Hopi,Terre Humaine / Poche, Pub. 1982 PLON. 
Pg. 9. )

Page 52

“How are they living on the Reservations today?”

“Many American Indians are living in the big cities. For an example, 185.000 American 
Indians are dispersed in the city of Los Angeles forming an interesting ethnic mix 
when, in previous times, each
ethnic group lived in a separate way. Living in a modern city is not always compatible 
with the Traditional way. For the AI it is hard to find a permanent job because of 
their different way of considering
‘time’ and because of their more important family priorities. Often they go back to 
the Reservations for ceremonies. Despite certain deep problems such as alcoholism, 
drugs, prostitution, and a high level of suicides, the Reservations are great wide 
spaces where can be found alternative economies. ( Casino's’ and Art-crafts )”

“Events such as Powwows, mixing modern concepts and tradition are in perpetual 
expansion in the whole of North America. Some traditional rites such as ‘Sweat Lodges” 
( SW) or “Potlatch” (NW) are again
frequently in use. Competition Powwows have become more and more popular and give the 
opportunity to discover the dances in traditional dress as well as the sale of 
art-crafts for the curious tourist.”

If things are so great on these (“great wide spaces,”?) then what is the reason for 
the (“deep problems such as alcoholism, drugs, prostitution, and a high level of 
suicides?”) The Author should
be forced to live on and endure one of these “Great Wide Spaces” ( Reservations and 
Rancheros ) like Cherry Creek , Rosebud, White Mountain, Black Mesa, Ruby Valley, 
Mono, Laguna, Little Boston, Big Mountain, and etc. Let us see if he can be employed 
at a livable wage to raise his family and a get decent education through these 
“alternative economies.”  It is obvious that the Author has never been to a 
Reservation and thus generalizes his concept of a serious problem with misinformation. 
The reader of this rhetoric is the one who suffers by the lack of the real facts.

Page 52  Top picture.

“General Custer enters the Black Hills with an important force in order to “convince” 
the Sioux to allow the Gold Prospectors in to mine.” ( In support of General Crook 
statement, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”)

( The book fails to mention two important things concerning this, Custer was in 
violation of a Treaty and the Black Hills are Sacred Ground! )

Page 56

I. Cultural Heritage by Francis Van Noten ­ Conservator of the Royal Museum of Art and 
History in Brussels.    “Every museum in the world is facing the problem of 
restitution. This is a tricky domain
complex and deeply rooted in their form for most of them. Ten years ago the 
Smithsonian Museum in Washington returned 400 human skeletons to the Indians who 
claimed them. Those Indians wanted to rebury their ancestors previously taken out of 
the graves by the White Man. This restitution occurred. Americans have problems of 
conscience after all of what the Indians endured.”

"In the present case, we have to wonder about the reality of the relationship existing 
between the skeletons previously taken out of the ground and the today’s Indian."  
Other people still want to
recover the remains of their ancestors in order to restore, by Ceremonies, the peace 
that was disturbed.”

“It is a crucial point for many Museums, a part of them accept, others not and the 
invoked motivations are different. As a paradox, the less important and less furnished 
museums are the first ones accepting, in
opposition to the more important Institutions which consider, as a fundamental 
element, that this Heritage concerns every other culture in the world. If we accept 
this request, it will become endless.”

“This is still the case of the Elgin’s Marbles.” ( Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, 
British diplomat 1766-1861, Collector, collected many pieces of art from Athens, 
Greece from the Parthenon and brought them to England. Now housed in the British 
Museum.) “Imagine that Great Britain ( Greece?) would find there the opportunity in 
order to operate a political gesture. That means that other requirements would follow. 
When shall they stop?”

“For an example, in our own country, poor in self heritage, many of the most beautiful 
paintings , due to our great masters, belong now to foreign collections. In the past, 
we were part of States having Madrid
as the Capital, then Vienna, then Paris. As a consequence of those dominating rulers, 
many important works left our country. It is hard for us to beg in Spain in order to 
be able to present here a ‘Charles the 5th’s armor,’ as it is pitiful to discover 
Masters Works coming out of our Provinces in the ‘Treasure’s” Room in Vienna. Have we 
indeed to request restitution of all these?  Does the presence of all these works in 
the great museums not participate in the glowing of our culture? Can we not bare that 
the most important paintings of Brueghel” ( 16th- 17th century Flemish family of 
Masters) “would be exhibited in the ‘Kunsthistorisches Museum’ in Vienna ?  *The great 
museums attract an important public and so,the radiance of our artistic treasures 
confirm the fame of our ancestors.” *( Money?)

Mr. Van Noten compares the Sacred remains of a human being to be the equivalent to 
piece of Charles the 5th’s armor, the Art work of the Great Masters, and Elgin’s 
Marbles!!! One has to consider this Author’s intent. First he praises the ‘radiance’ 
of the Belgian history of her people and in the same paragraph insults the very same 
people with,” in our own country, poor in self heritage.”

Page 54

Left col. 2nd Para. The use of the insulting and derogatory “S” word.

( See previous reply )

Out of respect for all People involved, It is now time to see the ‘English’ version, 
(‘in verbatim,’) of these books, …. as advertised!


Walkinstik / Wittmann

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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