And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wed, 17 Nov 1999 22:47:41 -0500 (EST)

Top Ten Reasons to OPPOSE S. 1287, the
Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1999

1. Yucca Mountain is a time bomb. The site does not meet geologic
requirements and is located in an earthquake-prone area.

2. S. 1287 places the financial burden of waste disposal on the
tax-payer, granting a huge subsidy to the nuclear industry.

3. S. 1287 takes the authority of setting radiation standards away from
the EPA and gives it to the NRC, even though EPA has already set
standards for the area.

4. S. 1287 requires radiation standards that will allow 1 in 286 exposed
people to die from cancer. Do some people deserve more cancer than

5. S. 1287 promotes research on irradiated fuel reprocessing which
creates a dangerous market for plutonium and increases the likelihood of
proliferation; The program will include accelerated transmutation
of waste (ATW), a new, expensive reprocessing program.

6. S. 1287 launches the largest and longest nuclear waste shipping
program in human history sending thousands of radioactive waste shipments
through 43 states and near the homes of 50 million people.

7. S. 1287 increases the risk of a disastrous Chernobyl-like accident by
putting canisters with the radiological equivalent of 200 Hiroshima bombs
on our highways and railways.

8. Emergency response training and equipment is limited; When one
of the 200 to 350 accidents occurs, the cost of cleanup will be borne by
the tax-payer and the radiation effects for the "first-response"
volunteers could be fatal.

9. S. 1287 has inadequate time limits, applying the critical radiation
release standard for 10,000 years even though the maximum release of
radiation will occur in 300,000 years.

10. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!! There are other alternatives
including having utilities store waste on-site. We need our law-makers to
scrap this dangerous, expensive, ill-conceived plan and look for a
real solution to the nuclear waste problem.

For more information, contact Women's Action for
New Directions (WAND) at (202) 543-8505.


1. Call your Senator:  Senate switchboard number 202-224-3121

2. Contact your Senator
by e-mail on the Senate web site:

(Legislation information web

3. Write a letter to your Senator.; (See sample
letter below.)

4. For more information, contact:

Kimberly Robson, WAND Director of Policy and

Women's Action for New Directions, WAND
110 Maryland Avenue, NE Suite 205
Washington, DC 20002

Phone: 202-543-8505

Fax: 202-675-6469




The Honorable _____________

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator ________:

I am writing to urge you to OPPOSE the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments
Act of 1999 (S 1287). This bill compounds the shortsightedness that has
plagued our country since the nuclear age began.

S 1287 threatens the environment and public health and
safety. The waste would travel through 43 states,
exposing 50 million people to cancer-causing radiation. This legislation
takes the authority to set radiation release standards at the nuclear
waste disposal site away from the Environmental Protection Agency and
gives it to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This action goes against
current law, and it threatens public health and the environment because
the NRC is willing to set any standard necessary to ensure the approval
of a permanent repository site.

S 1287 places the burden of paying for the mess made by
nuclear waste generators on American taxpayers.
The bill's backup storage provision would allow for the absolutely
needless and terribly risky transportation of nuclear waste before
final approval of a permanent repository. Further, the costs associated
with transporting the waste and cleaning up the accidents will be borne
by taxpayers.

Finally, S 1287 violates U.S. nuclear non-proliferation
policy by establishing an office specifically to
research and develop nuclear fuel reprocessing technologies and share
this information with other countries. Developing these
technologies could make reprocessed plutonium used to make nuclear
weapons more available. 

Please OPPOSE S 1287. Do not compound the shortsightedness of the past 50
years. Vote against this bill, and vote for a sustainable future. Thank
you for your consideration.


WAND, Women's Action for New Directions

National Field Office
139 Candler Oaks Lane
Decatur, GA. 30030
(404) 370-0448 (ph)
(404) 370-0491 (fax)

Mission: To empower women to act politically to reduce
militarism and violence and to redirect excessive military spending to human 
and environmental needs. 

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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