And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: Robert Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 12:18:23 EST
Subject: Supporter Information


it seems a strong push to break the media silence could go a long way to 
bring conscienceness to the general public of what the government is doing 
and allowing peaboby to do to the people.
december 10 is human rights day.  a great day to have peaceful protests at 
capitals all around the country, which might garner media responses, 
especially if we make a concerted effort to plan this ahead of time with 
groups through the internet/email.  inform the media about what is going to 
happen and that they should be there to witness the peaceful protests and 
inform the public about the dineh.       

our peaceful protest is scheduled for dec 10th, from 11-2, on the capital 
steps in harrisburg, pa.  any one else care to join us there?   please feel 
free to send us emails concerning this event or any other thoughts/ideas to 
help the dineh...

thank you very much!

tsonkwadiyonrat  (we are one spirit)

peace and light,

barbra bingham

For more information on this on-going human rights crisis in the United States, visit 
my web page at 

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