From Victor's

Digging for clues on Indian war
Archaeologists study battles to drive Indians out of Panhandle
Associated Press 

THE VALLEYS OF CAPROCK CANYONS -- Capt. Wyllys Lyman watched blood trickle between his 
fingers as he choked on dusty air. Gathering ammunition and courage, he loaded his 
pistol and peered around the circled wagons.

Arrows whizzed past his head, confirming his fear: Lyman and his men were surrounded 
by Comanches. Were the Indians too smart to waste ammunition on men already dead?

The Comanches understood how easily the merciless Texas Plains could conquer the 
soldiers. If trapped, Lyman's men would surely die in terrain so tough that one 
soldier described it as "not only ... a bad place to die, it wasn't even a good place 
to be buried."

Horse flies and thorn bushes tore at Lyman's resolve. After a few days, he and his men 
resorted to drinking the water out of tomato cans. When all seemed lost, the soldiers 
charged their enemies -- and lived.

But not because they defeated the Indians. The Comanches had disappeared without a 

Over the last several months, archaeologist Patricia Mercado Allinger and her team 
have pieced together that scenario -- and more battles in the last war to drive 
Indians from the Texas Panhandle than any researchers in the last 50 years.

"You have to play detective," Allinger says, sweeping her metal detector from side to 
side. "You can use the artifacts and their location to determine the framework of a 
particular battle."

Allinger, who works for the Texas Historical Commission, reconstructed Lyman's 
experience by meshing others' writings accounts and her findings: the recovered 
remains of wagons, bloody arrowheads, tomato cans and bullet casings. A soldier who 
heard about the battle from Lyman documented the soldiers' suffering in the heat.

About two years ago, Allinger began collecting artifacts and documenting the Red River 
Indian War against the Comanches, Cheyenne and Arapahos. The war began in 1874 after 
an Indian raid on a U.S. trading post left three men dead. It lasted about a year.

Because the state cannot afford a full staff of professionals, Allinger assembled a 
team that included a small-town museum curator, a couple of archaeology students 
looking for adventure and field experience, and a historian who had never before 
wielded a metal detector.

Five days a week, they jump over ditches and dodge cactus in the Caprock Canyons. 
Moments after one of them chops off a rattlesnake's head with a shovel, another 
locates a treasure trove of artifacts -- buttons, arrowheads, gun cartridges. Cheers 
erupt as the team grabs flags, shovels and a map to mark a site of combat.

Every site bolsters Allinger's belief that historians mistakenly accepted soldiers' 
accounts that the Indians were the aggressors and that the United States merely wanted 
to push the Indians onto Oklahoma reservation territory.

With guesswork about the site of the Lyman ambush, Allinger suspects that the Indians 
knew they were outmatched: sophisticated weaponry vs. rudimentary guns and bows and 
arrows. They battled the soldiers only long enough to allow their families to escape 
the Panhandle.

"We find the fact behind the theory. When those facts don't match the theory, it's 
time for a new theory," Allinger says.

After the Indian raid, military units gathered from Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and 
Texas in February 1874. Almost two dozen battles, including Lyman's, took place in the 
canyons in the following months.

Allinger's work has revealed that much of the combat involved running battles, with 
one of the forces in constant retreat.

"The Indians knew the canyons like the backs of their hands, while the soldiers had 
only the vaguest idea of where they were," Allinger says. "The Indians retreated into 
rough areas in many of the battles."

But the soldiers apparently had high-powered weapons: the Perrot Rifle, which 
historians call the "grenade launcher of the late 1800s" -- and at least two Gatling 
guns, history's first rapid-fire, bunker-style weapon.

"We've found things we just never expected," says Rolla Shaller, assistant curator of 
archaeology at the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon. "It's kind of silly 
to think that the Indians could have seen the Gatling gun and still felt like they had 
a chance to win."

The Indians did have firearms, Allinger says, but limited ammunition. "Could you 
imagine, fighting against soldiers with a Gatling guagainst soldiers with a Gatling 
gun when al

Allinger also found evidence of huge camps of Indian women and children -- documented 
by toys, sewing materials, cooking utensils. They apparently moved in groups a few 
miles from skirmishes led by Col. Nelson Miles.

The Indians surrendered in June 1875, ending the war.

"If it was a victory for Miles, it was a hollow victory," Allinger says. "The entire 
number of women and children escaped northward. Miles and his troops never did catch 
up to them."

Thomas Hester, a professor of archaeology at the University of Texas, says Allinger's 
challenges to conventional wisdom have drawn attention.

"As an archaeologist, you dream about the chance to uncover unknown facts that change 
or reshape the way an event is looked upon," Hester says. "Allinger is definitely 
doing that."

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