Hello everybody,

I have created a little mock-up for nautilus.


The bars don't represent the actually size of the files in this picture.

To my mind, the bars should show how big the files are, in relation to
the folder size.

folder size = count of file sizes = 100%

I have made a little example of how to measure the bars.

Folder size = 299,00 MB = 100%

Name    Size    Type    Space

file1   180 MB  wav     60,20%
file2   90 MB   ogg     30,10%
file3   8 MB    mp3     2,68%
file4   7 MB    mp3     2,34%
file5   6 MB    mp2     2,01%
file6   5 MB    mp3     1,67%
file7   2 MB    mp3     0,67%
file8   1 MB    mp3     0,33%
        299 MB          100%

Instead of the percentage, there should be a bar, like in the picture.

And this is an example of how to deal with sub folders.

+folder1        = 100%
|--file1        = 50% of folder1
|--file2        = 30% of folder1
|-+folder2      = 20% of folder1, = 100%
  |-file1       = 50% of folder2
  |-file2       = 25% of folder2
  |-file3       = 25% of folder2

I hope my achievements are understandable.

This all is inspired by Brasero 0.7.90 (Data Project) and Baobab.

Now it is your turn, let me know what you think about it and if it is
possible, maybe even for gnome 2.24.

best wishes

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