Achim Frase wrote on 02/06/08 13:30:
> To my mind, the bars should show how big the files are, in relation to
> the folder size.

That's is an interesting idea.

It's another way of presenting size. So how about making it part of the
"Size" column, instead of a separate column?
    |  2.6 KB  #          |
    |  5.7 KB  ##         |
    |  3.6 KB  #          |
    | 27.9 KB  #########  |
    :                     :

The bars wouldn't be shown by default. But if you widened the Size
column enough that there was room to spare, they would appear next to
the numeric size.

That way you wouldn't need to add an extra column with an extra menu
item. And you wouldn't need to introduce an unfamiliar term (it's not
obvious what "Space" means, if it doesn't mean space free on disk).

Matthew Paul Thomas
nautilus-list mailing list

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