
Thanks for letting me know the current state of things, and taking the time
to respond to my email ... Resuming from the previous session was my
primary motivation for this crash recovery solution.

But when I found that list of sessions going back over a year I was quite
excited to see something that would help me recover a few "lost projects"
that happened when nautilus would crash, and my two year old would demand
my attention, and then I would forget one or two parts of what I was
working on :-)

Sorry to hear that the session manager options were removed. I think that
was an important element for crash recovery. It appears
the inelegant solution that I am using is something I've cobbled together
using Ubuntu's session-saving feature.

... Tim-timmony-turrey

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Cosimo Cecchi <> wrote:

> the session manager related options have long been removed from Nautilus
> (before GNOME 3.0). As far as I understand though, you're not interested
> in resuming the last session, but in choosing from a list of "pre-made"
> sessions; even though it's not exactly the same things (e.g. you lose
> tabs), you can obtain a similar thing just by spawning nautilus with a
> list of directories as parameters, that will open each location in its
> own window- and you could wrap that in a set of scripts.
> Cosimo
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