Thanks for the quick responses

I was building Nautilus manually without using JHBuild, and the errors I
faced were due to my distro being an older version.

Adam> Yes, after some time I found out that even if the tracker dependency
were satisfied, the build would not be possible because of the old gtk+
version. I will now change to Ubuntu daily build, and hopefully I'll
successfully build it.

I'll ask in gnome-love mailing list if I face any problems

Sam> Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep that in mind :-)

Thanks for the help :-)

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:16 AM, Sam Bull <> wrote:

> On Wed, 2013-09-04 at 01:01 +0530, Sindhu S wrote:
> > 1. what command are you running to build nautilus?
> >
> > Is it `jhbuild build nautilus`?
> I'm also using Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 and used that command to build it the
> first time. Once you've started working on code, use the command
> 'jhbuild buildone -n nautilus', which will rebuild just nautilus (not
> it's dependencies) and without pulling down new changes (which will take
> seconds, rather than hours).
> --
> nautilus-list mailing list

Parin Porecha

say Kifflom! <> and look forward
to 17.09.13 !
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