Hi, Parin!

I am running Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 which has GNOME 3.6 and have successfully
jhbuilt nautilus.
Checking my package repositories I see that I have libtracker-sparql-0.14-0
package installed on my system.

When I do a `jhbuild list nautilus`, I see "tracker" as dependency for
I'd like to ask you,

1. what command are you running to build nautilus?
Is it `jhbuild build nautilus`?

2. Have you skipped "tracker" module in your jhbuildrc?
Perhaps these could give us some clues.

I am on IRC right now, so maybe I can help you through this over chat?


On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Adam Dingle <a...@medovina.org> wrote:

> Parin,
> I would strongly recommend running a newer Ubuntu if you want to build
> recent versions of GNOME applications from source.  In particular, I'd
> recommend the daily build of Ubuntu 13.10, which you can find here:
> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
> But even 13.10 has only GNOME 3.8, which is not new enough for building
> some applications from git master.  In particular, Nautilus in git master
> requires at least GTK 3.9.11, but Ubuntu 13.10 only has GTK 3.8.2.  Alas,
> the fact that Ubuntu lags behind GNOME by one release cycle makes it much
> harder to develop for GNOME on Ubuntu than it would be if Ubuntu shipped a
> current GNOME.
> Probably your best bet in this case is to build the entire GNOME 3.10
> world using jhbuild. That will take hours, but should allow you to complete
> a build. This is what most GNOME developers do.
> The GNOME 3 PPA (https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3)
> sometimes contains newer versions of various GNOME packages.  Unfortunately
> this PPA does not yet contain GTK 3.9 for Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy), but I'm
> hopeful that it will appear there in the coming weeks.
> As Hashem pointed out, the gnome-love mailing list and IRC channel are a
> good place for this sort of question.  Good luck!
> adam
> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Hashem Nasarat <hnasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Welcome!
> GNOME uses a tool called jhbuild to automate much of the building from
> source. There's one (of a few) tutorial here
> https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeLove/JHBuildIntroduction
> Still, you may need to upgrade your distribution to pull in newer versions
> of some of the dependencies.
> Sorry for the brief email, but do ask back if you have questions. Also the
> gnome-l...@gnome.org and #gnome-love irc channel are geared toward
> helping newcomers.
> On 09/03/2013 02:53 PM, Parin Porecha wrote:
>  Hi, I am trying to build nautilus from source, and following the steps
> described here https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Nautilus/Development/Nautilus.
> While running './autogen.sh', I'm getting the error - "No package
> 'tracker-sparql-0.16' found".  The version of this package that can be
> installed via 'apt-get' is 0.14.I am using Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise), Gnome
> 3.4.2 and Nautilus 3.4.
> Do I need to upgrade my distro ?
>  There's also a question on AskUbuntu regarding this -
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/247132/where-can-i-find-tracker-sparql-0-16.
> The links given are not working, and someone even commented that "building
> 'nautilus' is overkill" ?!
>  I want to hack on nautilus, so is there any other way of building
> nautilus, or can anyone please help me how to remove this error ?
>  Sorry if this is not the mailing list for these types of queries, I had
> to post it here because I didn't get any response in IRC.
> Thanks
>  --
> Regards,
> Parin Porecha
> say Kifflom! <http://www.epsilonprogram.com/kifflom.htm> and look forward
> to 17.09.13 !
> --
> nautilus-list mailing list
> nautilus-list@gnome.org
> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/nautilus-list
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