Ross Lagerwall <> wrote:
>>  1. Is it possible to discover servers on the network, in order to
>> present them in a list? Are there scenarios where this wouldn't work
>> for UX reasons (say, in environments where there are a lot of
>> servers)?
> This is going to be tricky.  At the moment, network:/// shows
> avahi-published services (e.g. afp, sftp, ftp) and windows servers.
> Some of them may be directly mountable (equivalent to a "drive"), others
> may be a server that needs to be logged into before you can even see
> what "drives" are available to mount. The windows section can show
> multiple different workgroups/domains, each with tens of servers, each
> with several shares. I'd imagine this to be common on an office network.
> Presenting this as some sort of tree may be possible, although I'm not
> sure if it's any better than the existing implementation, which is just
> a filesystem tree.
> From a technical perspective, enumerating all the windows share to show
> in the Connect dialog would be problematic since it isn't really an
> asynchronous process. But hey, technical problems can be fixed :-)

Thanks Ross, that's helpful. From a UI perspective, some kind of
filtering or browsing by workgroup/domain seems like it would be

Thinking about this some more, another thing that we'd to decide is
whether ad hoc network browsing is necessary from the file chooser...

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