----- Original Message -----
> On Fri, 2016-01-29 at 04:14 -0500, Ondrej Holy wrote:
> > as far as I know extended file attributes are not supported by any of
> > backends. NFS protocol doesn't support them all. SMB and SFTP
> > protocol should support them, however libsmbclient doesn't provide
> > API to read unix file modes at all.
> > SFTP backend should support unix modes already and it seems it is
> > possible to implement extended attributes support also, though I am
> > not sure it is a best idea. So I would recommend to use SFTP backend
> > and please file a bug against GVfs product if something doesn't work
> > (patches are welcome):
> > https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gvfs
> I would imagine SFTP would have access to attributes somehow.
> SFTP does support UNIX mode.
> Note - this is sort of related to <
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=559586> - it is a good read
> around this topic.

Did not know about this bug, I will take a look...

> FYI, the extended attributes stuff is in glib/gio, not gvfs proper.
> > I would recommend rsync for backups anyway... but I am not really
> > sure whether rsync backend is possible to be implemented and whether
> > it would fulfill your needs.
> Rsync itself typically runs over another protocol;  SFTP seems the most
> general purpose to me.

I see, but there is also rsync server and native rsync protocol. Reporter is 
asking for rsync backend, so I suppose he meant rsync protocol. Otherwise I do 
not understand, how he would like to implement the rsync backend...

> >  I don't know the protocol, but I doubt about it. GVfs lacks manpower
> > anyway, so you are welcome if you wish to propose patches for it...
> Yeah, do not expect much activity on bugs reports on GVFS. :(

I am really sorry about this, it is not possible to take care about all the 
bugs, but I can promise that I will look at patches if you will contribute 


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