Thanks you very much Antonio for your help ! I found navigating inside
the Nautilus source code very interesting. I have learned a lot of

And you're right Nelson, your problem seems close to mine. Some
metadata in Nautilus that is not updated at the right time.

But a recent big kernel update in Debian Stretch :

solve almost completely my problem this week. Nautilus continue to
show the cross on the folders. But now I can enter them and the rights
are updated when I do so. So now my user's can create directories.

This make me think that that my problem ( and maybe your ) is not
directly related to Nautilus but come from some kernel signal that are
not received at the right time.

If I found some time I will investigate the problem further.

Thanks again !
Le lun. 8 oct. 2018 à 07:53, Nelson Benítez León <> a écrit :
> Your bug may have coincidences with 
> especially check my comment 
> 14, in that bug's case inotify fires two consecutive events for a new 
> mountpoint, the first carries wrong info and the second the correct info, but 
> nautilus wrongly discard the second one as it's still processing the first 
> one.
> The patch was not merged so if you want to try it you may need to rebase it.
> El lun., 1 oct. 2018 a las 15:02, Prunk Dump via nautilus-list 
> (<>) escribió:
>> Hello Gnome Nautilus Team !
>> I'm a high school network administrator and I'm face to a new bug
>> since an update of nautilus in Debian Stretch. Maybe you can help me
>> to correct it or to find a workaround.
>> The simple explanation :
>> ------------------------------------
>> I export the users files using an NFSv4 server. Some directories have
>> some specific ACLs that are not displayed on the client side. This is
>> normal. Actually the ACLs are not displayed through NFS. For example
>> on the client :
>> # ls -al /dnfs/shares/teachers/class1
>> drwxrwx--T  3 root class1 4096 oct.   1 13:56 Ressource
>> This folder have a special ACL that let RWX access to the "teachers"
>> group. But we can't see it on the clients. The is no "+" on the result
>> of the ls command.
>> So Nautilus show a cross on the folder. But the teacher can enter
>> inside it. So this is not a big problem. Just a little disappointing
>> for the teacher.
>> The real problem come when the teacher want to create a directory
>> inside it. This time the "New directory" choice is Grey. The teacher
>> can't click on it.
>> Si is there a way to disable the permission check on Nautilus ?
>> The more in depth explanation :
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> The bug is more complex in reality. I use NFSv4 referrals on my
>> network. This mean that when the user enter the folder :
>> /dnfs/shares/teachers/class1
>> This create a mount point over "/dnfs/shares/teachers/class1". And the
>> mount point appear on the Nautilus left panel.
>> The teacher can't create directories inside it.
>> But if the user traverse the directories again. Starting from "/dnfs"
>> to "/dnfs/shares/teachers/class1" now it can create directories !!!
>> It just don't works the first time. The user need to enter the
>> "class1" folder a second time.
>> So I don't know how nautilus check permissions. Because this time
>> there is still no information on the client side about the teacher's
>> ACL. But in this case the Nautilus "New folder" is not Grey. And the
>> user can create directories. I can't understand why Nautilus decide to
>> active the "New Folder" choice this time.
>> Before the update. The "New folder" was still Grey. But if the teacher
>> click on it the directory was created anyway.
>> An idea from where come this bug ?
>> Regards,
>> Baptiste.
>> --
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