By implementing it in C and using Tcl_Eval ascripts will be executed at 
global level and all variables will be visible.

It is just may result in supporting 2 diferent config styles which may 
add maintanence and confusion but overall i personally like new style better

Jeff Rogers wrote:
> Vlad Seryakov wrote:
> I like the general look and that it can be implemented in pure tcl 
> (heck, even by just sourcing the implementation at the top of your 
> current config).
>> it may look like this (still Tcl)
>> section "fastpath" {
>>      cache                   false
>>      cachemaxsize            5120000
>>      cachemaxentry           512000
>>      mmap                    false
>> }
>> section "server/${servername}" {
>>      connsperthread          0
>>      flushcontent            false
>>      maxconnections          100
>>      maxthreads              10
>>      minthreads              0
>>      threadtimeout           120
>> }
> Alot of the section names are heirarchical too so could this concept be 
> taken further?  e.g.,
> server "server1" {
>      directoryfile index.html
>      pageroot      /root
>      section "tcl" {
>          library   /root/server1/lib/tcl
>      }
>      section "modules" {
>          nslog  ${bindir}/
>      }
> }
>> As you can see this is Tcl command section
>> proc section { name args } {
>>     ns_section ns/$name
>>     foreach { key val } $args {
>>        ns_param $key $val
>>     }
>> }
> It would need to be uplevel-ed if variable expansion is to take place 
> but that's pretty minor.
> -J
>> But config looks like more 21 century and more structured and easier to 
>> read. Very similar to lighttpd by the way.
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