On 9/14/06, Zoran Vasiljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 14.09.2006, at 21:59, Stephen Deasey wrote:

> Currently you're cleaning up with a AtExit handler and manually
> calculating a timeout to wait for proxies to exit.   I think you
> really want an AtShutdown callback.  These already handle a
> notification and then timeout sequence.
> I think at the moment a clean exit will take shutdown-timeout +
> proxy-shutdown-timeout, which might be surprising to people.

Hey, isn't AtShutdown done per-thread?

[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.41969152][-shutdown-] Notice: nsproxy:
shutdown started
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.2684415384][-main-] Notice: driver:
shutdown complete
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.2684415384][-main-] Notice: spooler0:
shutdown complete
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.41969152][-shutdown-] Notice: nsproxy:
shutdown pending
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.41968128][-nsproxy:reap-] Notice: exiting
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.41969152][-shutdown-] Notice: nsproxy:
shutdown complete
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.41969152][-shutdown-] Notice: nslog:
closed '/usr/local/ns/logs/access.log'
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.2684415384][-main-] Notice: nsproxy:
shutdown started
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.2684415384][-main-] Notice: nsproxy:
shutdown complete
[14/Sep/2006:22:44:08][13827.2684415384][-main-] Notice: nsmain:
NaviServer/4.99.2 exiting

I have the proc running twice which should'nt be?
Was the AtExit a better solution?

AtShutdown callbacks are called twice:  the first time is to allow you
to notify threads that they should begin cleaning up for shutdown; the
second time you should actually wait for the shutdown to complete,
taking note of the absolute timeout value.

Look at some of the existing code that handles this.  There's 3 or 4
AtShutdown procs in the core.

The interface is kind of ugly, I agree.  I always have to look up what
I'm supposed to do.  Suggestions appreciated!

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