On 9/18/06, Zoran Vasiljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 18.09.2006, at 20:55, Stephen Deasey wrote:

>  it's the explicit handle management that's making
> things different.  Low level C APIs just don't map directly into C.

What C API's ??


are the only API's that C programmer might use.
They are perfectly symetric and most simple.
You Ns_ProxyGet a proxy, then you Ns_ProxyEval
something in it (possibly many times) and then
you Ns_ProxyPut it back. No locking. What could
be simpler than that?

I mean that


might be appropriate for C programmers, but that doesn't mean that

   ns_proxy get

is for Tcl programmers.  It's not just about level of difficulty
either. Mapping the low level C APIs directly seems to add a lot of
difficulty, because you have to take account of the Tcl environment
and all the crazy things that you just don't allow in the C API.

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