<lots of interesting text cut>

Zoran, Stephen,
 To me, what this discussion says most of all is that the current
approaches to handling synchronization primitives in naviserver are
way too complicated for human consumption.
 Perhaps the "correct" approach is to actually examine real-world use
of these primitives and find a "better" approach to the problem that
can leverage the power of Tcl (something closer to the stuff Stephen
was pointing out earlier) but not necessarily losing the power of free
handles that Zoran believes are useful.  I don't have the vaguest idea
what that mechanism may be - but all you guys are doing right now is
throwing around hypothetical use cases.  I have yet to see a solid
example in this thread that would lead me to believe one would ever
want to use a mutex or condition variable anywhere in naviserver at
all.  (I don't mean to be say this harshly - but I feel like the
discussion you guys are having right now is missing a bigger picture.)

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