
I have found (yet still not fixed) a leak in the
current code.

It is not trivial to expose it, but it is there.
How to reproduce?

Build a Tcl lib with threads exabled, but before
compilation, edirt the Makefile and replace

Now before running the server do:


When the server starts, log into control port and do:

   time {ns_thread join [ns_thread create "set a 1"]} 10000

and watch "top" utility how the process virtual and resident
sizes grow and grow and grow...

Now, stop the server, edit bin/init.tcl file and instead of

    foreach f [file channels] {
        if {![string match std* $f]} {
            close $f


    if {0} {
    foreach f [file channels] {
        if {![string match std* $f]} {
            close $f

Start the server again and repeat the

   time {ns_thread join [ns_thread create "set a 1"]} 10000

The virtual and resident process sizes remain constant!

It is important to recompile Tcl lib with -DPURIFY as this will
disable the zippy allocator and fall-back to plain system
malloc/free. This way the effect of the leak can be tracked by
looking at the top output.

I still do not understand why is this so. If somebody needs a
nice puzzle-solving over the christmas, he's welcome!


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