I downloaded the code in the previous mail.  After some minor path
adjustments, I was able to get the test program to compile and link
under FreeBSD 6.1 running on a dual-processor PIII system, linked
against a threaded tcl 8.5a.  I could get this program to consistently
do one of two things:
- dump core
- hang seemingly forever
but absolutely nothing else.

when zoran annouced the version, i downloaded it and had similar expericences. Fault 1 turned out to be: The link of Zoran lead to a premature version of the software, not the real thing (the right version is untarred to a directory containing
the verion numbers).

Then zoran corrected the link, i refetched, and .. well no makefile.
Just complile and try: same effect.
Fault was, that i did not read the README (i read the frist one) and
compiled (a) without -DTCL_THREADS .

i had exectly the same symptoms.

correcting these configuration isses, the program works VERY well....
i tried on 32bit and 64bit machines (a minor complaint in the memtest
program, casting 32bit int to ClientData and vice versa)


PS: i could get access to an 64-bit amd FreeBSD machine
on monday, if there is still need...

PPS: strangly, the only think making me supicious is the
huge amount of improvement, especially on Mac OS X.
I can't remember in my experience having seen such a
drastical performance increase by a realitive litte code
change, especially in an area, which is usually carefully
fine-tuned, and where many CS grads from all over the world
writing their thesis on.... I would recommend that Vlad
and Zoran should write a technical paper about the new
allocator and analyze the properties and differences....

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