yes, i know, i am complaining about myself relying on particular formatting.

Stephen Deasey wrote:
> On 10/15/07, Vlad Seryakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The only thing which broke my old code regarding switching to vsnprintf
>> is that old Ns_DStringPrintf handled empty string differently, vsnprintf
>> now puts (null), before that empty string did not put anything.
>> I still need to review si the damage is critical enough or never upgrade
>> until all code updated. That sucks
> The printf familly calls make no guarantee about NULLs. If we're
> relying on that anywhere in the code it's a bug and we need to fix it.
> e.g.:
>     Ns_Log(Warning, "huh?: %s", nullable ? nullable : "uh-oh");
> Otherwise, we can expect crashes.
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