On Jan 7, 2008 10:00 AM, Neophytos Demetriou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having the same problem as outlined below.
> Basically, the log fails to roll (and so does "ns_accesslog roll")
> eventhough the directory and the log file look good.

What messages appear in your error log when you try to roll a file?

If it's to be rolled at midnight, whether it actually rolls or not
you'd expect to see a message from the sched thread. If you don't see
it, then log rolling is not enabled.

If you see that but the log does not actually roll, I would expect an
error message of some sort. Looking through the code for this last
time all error paths appear to be covered by log messages.

Re permissions, look at the permissions of both the log files and the
directory they're in. The server needs to have permission to create a
new file under it's run-time uid/gid -- whereas at startup it creates
the file as root.

Also, has log file rolling never worked for you?  If this is something
new, what's changed recently?

> Please note that "ns_rollfile" renames the existing log (say,
> access.log.000) but it does not create a new one (not sure if that is
> the expected behaviour).

That's expected. It is a low-level routine to handle the renaming.
ns_log roll and ns_accesslog roll call it and handle the reopening
themselves. If you use it to roll some other kind of file manually,
you'll have to take account of that.

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