Stephen Deasey wrote:
> On Jan 7, 2008 10:00 AM, Neophytos Demetriou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm having the same problem as outlined below.
>> Basically, the log fails to roll (and so does "ns_accesslog roll")
>> eventhough the directory and the log file look good.
> What messages appear in your error log when you try to roll a file?

[-sched-] Notice: nslog: closed '/web/log/access.8000.log'
[-sched-] Error: nslog: failed: roll '/web/log/access.8000.log': 'No
such file or directory'

> If it's to be rolled at midnight, whether it actually rolls or not
> you'd expect to see a message from the sched thread. If you don't see
> it, then log rolling is not enabled.

log rolling is enabled, see error messages above and, also,
configuration settings below:

ns_param RollDay            *
ns_param RollFmt            %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
ns_param RollHour           0
ns_param RollOnSignal       On
ns_param RollLog            On

> If you see that but the log does not actually roll, I would expect an
> error message of some sort. Looking through the code for this last
> time all error paths appear to be covered by log messages.

see above

> Re permissions, look at the permissions of both the log files and the
> directory they're in. The server needs to have permission to create a
> new file under it's run-time uid/gid -- whereas at startup it creates
> the file as root.

ls -la /web/log/

drwxrwxr-x 2 service-phgt-0 web      20480 Jan  8 07:50 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 root           web       4096 Nov 15 15:17 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 service-phgt-0 web   13514689 Jan  7 23:59 access.8000.log

ps aux | grep nsd
1002     20781  2.3  6.7 491856 208840 ?       Sl   Jan07  32:03
/opt/naviserver-4.99.2-2008-01-07/bin/nsd -z -i -t
/web/service-phgt-0/etc/nsd/config-main-8000.tcl -u service-phgt-0 -g web

cat /etc/passwd | grep 1002

> Also, has log file rolling never worked for you?  If this is something
> new, what's changed recently?

Never worked!

>> Please note that "ns_rollfile" renames the existing log (say,
>> access.log.000) but it does not create a new one (not sure if that is
>> the expected behaviour).
> That's expected. It is a low-level routine to handle the renaming.
> ns_log roll and ns_accesslog roll call it and handle the reopening
> themselves. If you use it to roll some other kind of file manually,
> you'll have to take account of that.

I use ns_logroll for the server/error log and rolling works fine.


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