
I am not an expert on the topic but it seems to
me that we have numerous parameters already in
this area...

Isn't this a sign of an aged design that needs
to be re-evaluated and potentially re-written
(see Stephens latest posting about how and when
the worker threads should be handled)?

I mean, if you start to explain somebody how all
these knobs need to be adjusted, you will discover
that it is very complex. And complex things do not
hold long (my personal experience).

This is only a thought, because, as I said earlier,
I am not really an expert in this area nor do I have
any pressing needs to change anything there.
It may be that all those options are needed and cannot
be avoided with a better desing.... 


On 16.10.2012, at 10:28, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

> On 11.10.12 20:28, Gustaf Neumann wrote:
>> So, the behavior should be at least parameterized, and tailorable.
>> i have added a proposal to hg, which is just a few lines of code,
>> that allows parallel thread creation above a certain threshold.
>> the threshold should become a parameter. If the threshold
>> is set large enough, the thread serialization happens, if it is
>> small, parallel thread creates are allowed. Ideas for a
>> good name of the parameter are very welcome.
> i have made not the concurrent creation of connection threads
> configurable, but not via an absolute value as in the first 
> shot,
> but as a percentage, how full the requests queue is to allow
> concurrent creates. The same parameter can be used to allow
> always parallel connection thread creates or to disallow it in
> general. For more details, see
> https://bitbucket.org/naviserver/naviserver/changeset/76c070ff3311babfa272cec7d086ee4f03c09f9e
> A suggestion for better and shorter name is welcome.
> -gustaf neumann
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