On 26.10.12 15:47, Stephen Deasey wrote:
> I think the spec says that for HTTP/1.1, if the client doesn't
> explicitly say to NOT send the body gzipped, say by using a q value of
> 0 (which we don't actually check for, woops...), then the server can
> choose the encoding, although it should prefer the identity, unless
> that's unavailable. So we're being very pushy...
now we do check for the qvalues used in connection with 
gzip. So, a client can now specify explicitly, that gzip is 
NOT wanted via "gzip; q=0". What the code still does not do 
is comparing the identity-qvalue with the gzip-qvalue or 
combination with wildcards "....*;q=..."

>> Also on compression, a separate compression stream is pre-allocated and
>> initialized for each pre-allocated Conn, whether or not compression is
>> even enabled for the server.  The causes a fairly large initial memory
>> footprint.  I think this pre-initialization could be made optional, and
>> bypassed entirely when compression isn't enabled.  Any thoughts?
> Seems reasonable.
the initialization is on the server level during startup for 
every connection structure, the actual need comes up in a 
connection thread. One could defer the Ns_CompressInit until 
a connection thread needs it (by checking, whether the 
compress stream is available/initialized.

-gustaf neumann

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