On Tue, Oct 07, 2014 at 12:09:41AM +0200, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

> Please something more to try: to provide some potential evidence for
> my "too early for tcl calls" hypothesis, i've deactivated for the
> time being the mutex time monitoring for windows, since the earliest
> calls are from mutex calls. Can you check when possible, whether
> Tcl_GetTime() can be used now inside Ns_GetTime()?

Gustaf, I think you were on to something there.

In my fork I turned the Windows mutex timings back on, because they
work now.  However, they ONLY work correctly when Ns_GetTime() is
using the old-style AOLserver code with EPOCH_BIAS, etc.

If I change Ns_GetTime() back to using the Ns_GetTimeFromTcl()
"platform-independent" code, then the server immediately hangs on
startup in TclpGetDate(), just like in my original email on 10/3.

To summarize, there seem to be two combinations that work ok (so far):

1. Ns_GetTime() uses EPOCH_BIAS calculation, normal mutex timings in
   nsthread/mutex.c turned on.

2. Ns_GetTime() uses Ns_GetTimeFromTcl(), mutex timings in
   nsthread/mutex.c DISABLED.

With either of those combinations, Naviserver will start up and then
shut down, which is really all I've tested.

Andrew Piskorski <a...@piskorski.com>

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