At least on Windows (I have checked this behavior on Linux), when I
start Naviserver in a Command Shell and then shut it down by hitting
Ctrl-c, it rolls both the error and access logs (e.g. renaming
"myserver-error.log" to "myserver-error.log.000").

That's strange, and not what I expect or want.  I want to roll logs
only at certain times of day, not every time I restart the server.

That roll-on-shutdown behavior goes away if I set these parameters:

ns_section ns/parameters
  ns_param LogRoll false
ns_section ns/server/my_server/module/nslog
  ns_param RollOnSignal false

But I expect that will interfere with scheduled log rolling as well.
I WOULD like to roll the logs on SIGHUP, just not every time the
server shuts down.  Any idea why the two seem to be conflated?
Is Windows actually sending a HUP signal when I hit Ctrl-c?  (I don't
THINK so.)  Or is Navisever somehow misinterpreting whatever Windows
does as SIGHUP?

This is a very minor problem but I do wonder just what is going on there.


Andrew Piskorski <>

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