Dear Andrei,

In your config-file, you are loading 6 (!) different SQL drivers, and you are loading nsdbipg 3 times.
Is this intended?

it is strange that you have closewait larger than keep wait. Is this as well intended?

ns_param closewait 7 ;# default: 2; timeout in seconds for close on socket
   ns_param    keepwait         0     ;# timeout in seconds for keep-alive uses e.g. keepwait 5 and closewait 2

Can you reproduce the problem with the truncated images at your site with one of the various
sample configurations, such as e.g. with ns/conf/nsd-config.tcl ?

best regards

Am 24.09.15 um 10:41 schrieb Clinciu Andrei:
Hi all,

I'd really appreciate the help of someone more experienced with NaviServer since i'm currently using it in production and it seems there are a few things that I can't seem to figure out! Thanks for all your support so far! I've learnt a lot of things about naviserver in the past 2 years.

I've recently compiled (a week ago) the newest version from bitbucket. Server information:
cat /etc/issue
*Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l*
uname -a
*Linux unitedbrainpower 2.6.32-042stab094.7 #1 SMP Wed Oct 22 12:43:21 MSK 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux*

And there are 2 things that I've noted that crash the server every few hours:

1. First is this assert info, nothing else, no other information.
*nsd: set.c:89: Ns_SetUpdate: Assertion `value != ((void *)0)' failed.*
I've been able to capture a place where this error occurs, I've hosted a fossil page via CGI, and If i go to the link i get the same error. But it seems to generate the error even if CGI is disabled (and I can't pinpoint it!).

This seems to crash the server aprox *5 times *a day looking into the logs, not talking about me pointing it to the CGI (which i've disabled).

2. Another error that seems to "crash" the server is:
*[23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][] Fatal: received fatal signal 11*

My server crashes on average *4 times a day *because of this.

[23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: exiting: exceeded max connections per thread [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118dc9700][-driver:nssock-] Notice: NsEnsureRunningConnectionThreads wantCreate 1 waiting 0 idle 3 current 4

[23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_6/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_4 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_7/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_1 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_8/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_3 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_9/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_6 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_10/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_5 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_11/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_2 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_12/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_0 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_13/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_4 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_14/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_7 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_15/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_1 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_16/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_6 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_17/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_0 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_18/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_8 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_19/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_12 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_20/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_11 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_21/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_9 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_22/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_17 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_23/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_3 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_24/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_15 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_25/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_10 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_26/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_20 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_27/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_23 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_28/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_19 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_29/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_5 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_30/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_13 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][-conn:ubpserver1:2-] Notice: dbipg: prepare dbipg_31/0 cols 0: deallocate dbipg_2 [23/Sep/2015:06:44:12][32506.7f5118eca700][] Fatal: received fatal signal 11

View config at:

*Any ideas?*

3. Images are truncated or sent corrupted (same happens to JS/CSS!)

I've played tens of times with all the settings, enabled and disabled everything from spoolers to fastpath and even adp rendering. At the moment I set * ns_param**writerstreaming**false * and the keepalive is 5 seconds, the page renders in 5 seconds! (in any browser, on anyother pc) And this doesn't solve the images problem.

While it seems that after a few refreshes the page works as expected, the images are not sent correctly. I've reviewed the information in the access log and a 25kb image is sent first as a 17kb and then the remaining on the next refresh.

Each document has a preview (random image selected from the images of the document, each page is cached so you see the same image if you refresh) and in Firefox I can render it ultimately. But in Opera, Chrome and Internet Explorer it seems to never show the image, only after maybe the 3d refresh.

You can view what i'm talking about at <> by pressing F12 while loading..

My (deleted out database configuration options) configuration file looks like this:

How can I reduce the number of crashes? I can live with a crash per day but having 10 (or more!) per day is annoying since it disrupts stuff like sessions (saved in cache), file transfers and other things.


With regards,
Clinciu Andrei George

"Vorba buna, zambetul si fapta binefacatoare sunt raze ale soarelui rasfrante in sufletul omului." "A good word, a smile and a good deed are just like rays of the sun reflected in man's soul." by Nicolae Iorga

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