In fact, A.I. has been playing a big role in this field already (i.e. 
self-healing). We could bring into TCL’s world! 

Most of the time I get lazy, skipping test-cases, going directly to debug 
without planing and writing unit tests, then I miss the opportunity to get a 
better perspective of the implementation. 

That, I’d call it as "self-sabotage”. As It could save me a lot of time and 
headaches, debugging codes.

Best wishes,

> On Jul 4, 2020, at 14:10, Gustaf Neumann <> wrote:
> Maybe, we should add "self-healing" to the feature list of NaviServer :)
> In general, it is a good idea to make test-cases with curl, also for you to 
> understand, what is going on in detail.
> all the best
> -gn
> On 04.07.20 18:37, Iuri de Araujo Sampaio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I woke up today and Postman requests work fine now. I have no clue what the 
>> error was, and I have done nothing to fix it.
>> Well, I added a log message in the first line, before calling [ns_getform], 
>> but that would no affect the problem. Maybe the stars were playing with me 
>> last night. Or it was a cache refreshing delay. Who knows? kkkkk
>> ns_log Notice "CTree $cTree  ****"
>> Best wishes,
>> I
>>> On Jul 4, 2020, at 00:25, Iuri de Araujo Sampaio < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> Reading [ns_getform] documentation, I noticed it supports 
>>> multipart/form-data
>>> <>
>>> However, when I run the chunk bellow, it shows no form, neither fields and 
>>> values at all, in the GET request.  
>>> I’ve written [ns_getcontent …] right bellow the chunk, confirming that the 
>>> body of the request has content within it, plus in the proper format (i.e. 
>>> multipart/form-data). 
>>> Furthermore, if I switch the request to application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
>>> the chunk works just fine and form fields are properly assigned. Thus, I’m 
>>> lost!
>>> Could it be that Postman uses a different format for form-data? (Thus, it 
>>> isn’t supported by ns_getform.)
>>> Logs are bellow.
>>> Best wishes.
>>> I
>>>   set myform [ns_getform]
>>>     if {[string equal "" $myform]} {
>>>         ns_log Notice "No Form was submited"
>>>     } else {
>>>         ns_log Notice "FORM"
>>>         ns_set print $myform
>>>         for {set i 0} {$i < [ns_set size $myform]} {incr i} {
>>>             set varname [ns_set key $myform $i]
>>>             set varvalue [ns_set value $myform $i]
>>>             ns_log Notice " $varname - $varvalue"
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     ns_log Notice "BODY \n  [ns_getcontent -as_file false]”
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: 
>>>  t0
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: 
>>> HEADERS 11
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: Host 
>>> <>                             X-Real-IP 
>>> Connection close Content-Length 386 authorization {Bearer 
>>> eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eydzdWInOiAnNTk0MycsICdpYXQnOiAxNTkzODI2NjQ0fQ==.20f471933ae0a9c58d525f4ab0c1eef7adab03f17c3bbe18a00cf30a1ef06948}
>>>  User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.25.0 Accept */* Cache-Control no-cache 
>>> Postman-Token 93e1f2b8-b680-470f-be60-52a25c93db0a Content-Type 
>>> {multipart/form-data; 
>>> boundary=--------------------------973675580213918217977892} Cookie 
>>> ad_session_id=\"35550042%2c0%2c0%2c1593831987%20{947%201593833187%20876F0016C8883111AC63B5C6B6D964D76ED2D1DF}\"
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: FORM
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: BODY 
>>>   ----------------------------973675580213918217977892
>>> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="cTree"
>>> featured
>>> ----------------------------973675580213918217977892
>>> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="cTreeName"
>>> t
>>> ----------------------------973675580213918217977892
>>> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="cTreeIcon"
>>> t
>>> ----------------------------973675580213918217977892--
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: TREE 
>>> [04/Jul/2020:00:07:19][8773.7efbf2d6e700][-conn:iurix:1:1031-] Notice: 
>>> cTree 
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