GR-78-CORE covers the design and manufacture of telecom products.  To be
compliant with the 880+ requirements in the standard,  the design first of all
must meet the 200+ design requirements for cables, PCB layout, materials,
components, connectors, etc.  The selection of 94 V-1 or better components is a
major task alone.  Obviously if you buy an off the shelf product that does not
claim to comply with GR-78, it will not meet the requirements within its design
or selection of materials.  Also, the manufacture of the assemblies involves a
few hundred requirements.  The selection of solders, fluxes, cleaning processes,
thermal controls in all processes, storage and handling of materials, ESD
practices, repair practices, and we have only skimmed the surface.  I've audited
sites that claim to meet GR-78 that fail to meet major requirements, so an off
the shelf will be even more of a compliance problem.  The customer has the final
say in deciding if they want your product because it is invaluable even with its
missed marks.  Being upfront about the makeup of your product is the best
approach along with a plan to conform in the future.

Gary R.
Hardware Compliance Eng.

Doug <> on 08/04/2000 04:42:08 PM

Please respond to

To:   Nebs Discussion Group <>
cc:    (bcc: Gary Raper/Raleigh/TEKELEC)
Subject:  GR-78 question ...

I think I already know the answer to this,
but I have to ask.

A product has a mix of printed circuit boards.
Some are made by the mfr, some are off the
shelf boards.  I suppose you could buy them
at a place like Fry's (big electronic store
out here). Not sure about that.

To declare GR-78 compliance, would the mfr of
said product require the mfrs of the boards
they buy from vendors be compliant with GR-78
as well?

Example - Say your company makes a PC that will go
into a CO.  The only thing your company actually
makes of the product is the box, power supplies,
and the motherboard. The product will NOT connect
directly to any telephone lines. It will connect
to the telephone line through a modem once installed
in the CO.

It's a plug and play device that accepts any type
of PCI interface card you need.  You can buy these
interface cards almost anywhere.

* Are you obligated to require ANY and ALL
  interface cards to be used in your product
  to be GR-78 compliant?

- Doug

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