Really that's weird, b/c I changed the label format to :labe1l:label2:label3
But it still shows the comma separated one in your case.

Perhaps it was not up to date? Where did you download it?


My current export looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<graphml xmlns=""; 
<graph id="G" edgedefault="directed">
<key id="na&lt;&gt;me" for="node""na&lt;&gt;me" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="count" for="edge""count" attr.type="int"/>
<node id="n0" labels=":FOO"><data key="labels">:FOO</data><data 
key="na&lt;&gt;me">John &amp; Dö</data></node>
<edge id="e0" source="n0" target="n0" label="BAR"><data 
key="label">BAR</data><data key="count">0</data></edge>

Am 21.01.2014 um 20:06 schrieb Patrick Durusau <>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Michael,
> I just downloaded the latest neo4j-shell-tools and an export got:
> <node id="n1" labels="User,expertValidation,SeedNode" ><data
> key="labels">User,expertValidation,SeedNode</data><data
> key="id_str">269740110</data><data key="name">Andreyana
> Ivanova</data><data key="screen_name">adiivanova</data><data
> key="description">Passionate and inspiring Equality & Diversity
> Practitioner</data><data key="followers_count">35</data><data
> key="friends_count">52</data><data key="listed_count">2</data><data
> key="statuses_count">11</data><data
> key="favourites_count">0</data><data key="location">London</data><data
> key="time_zone">London</data><data key="utc_offset">0</data><data
> key="lang">en</data><data
> key="profile_image_url"></data><data
> key="geo_enabled">false</data><data key="verified">false</data><data
> key="notifications">false</data></node>
> Between "Equality & Divesity" is an example of a & that should be
> written as: &amp;"
> Sorry for not checking my email earlier but I wanted to create a file
> with several examples (I have inserted XML comments for each example)
> of what markup errors I am picking up.
> BTW, there is a edge case where < and > should not be converted but
> that is in XML processing instructions and it is unlikely anyone will
> be encountering those in an graph database. As soon as I hit "send" an
> example case will hit the email list. ;-)
> It has been a while since I have looked at conversion filter libraries
> but I suspect there is something that would correct the character and
> markup errors automatically on export. HTML tidy I think has that
> capacity.
> Anyway file attached.
> Hope you are having a great week!
> Patrick
> On 01/20/2014 10:33 PM, Michael Hunger wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> the xml encoding issues for <> & etc. should be addressed.
>> Not sure how do deal with the control characters though. The only
>> thing I could think of is to write data as CDATA fields?
>> Or strip them somehow upfront.
>> Michael
>> Am 21.01.2014 um 01:34 schrieb Patrick Durusau
>> <>:
>> Michael,
>> On 01/20/2014 02:48 AM, Michael Hunger wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the feedback, will fix these issues.
>>>>> Do you know where the control characters came from?
>> Guessing I would say that Twitter accepts pasted content. Works ok
>> as long as you are in the lower ASCII set but for things like
>> trademark (tm) and the R with a circle? Sorry, I'm real tired.
>> I still have an uncorrected version of the data and will try to
>> fish out the lines in question. The full file is large in email
>> terms and most of it would not be helpful.
>> I'll get some sleep and look at it in the morning.
>> Will verify the problems still exist in Gephi as well with the
>> much smaller version of the file.
>> Hope you are having a great day!
>> Patrick
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> Am 20.01.2014 um 02:59 schrieb Patrick Durusau 
>>>>> <>:
>>>>> Michael,
>>>>> I tried out the export to GraphML today.
>>>>> I was using data from a Twitter feed.
>>>>> The first issue on trying to load into GraphML was that the
>>>>> "&" character was not written "&amp;"
>>>>> When converting files to XML, escape "&" with "&amp;", "<" as
>>>>> &lt; and ">" as &gt;
>>>>> The next several issues were control characters ^B, ^C, etc. 
>>>>> embedded before TM and R, etc.
>>>>> Conversion to UTF-8 and stripping anything that doesn't
>>>>> convert would be nice.
>>>>> The parser in my Emacs must not match what is being used in
>>>>> Gephi because it would choke even though Emacs said all was
>>>>> well.
>>>>> Hope you are at the start of a great week!
>>>>> Patrick
>>>>> On 01/17/2014 07:49 PM, Michael Hunger wrote:
>>>>>>>> +1 that would be awesome
>>>>>>>> I wanted to give it a try myself but haven't found the
>>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>> Btw. my neo4j-shell-tools now export Neo4j to GraphML,
>>>>>>>> so you can visualize your db in Gephi, would love some
>>>>>>>> feedback:
> Michael
>>>>>>>> Am 18.01.2014 um 00:29 schrieb Marcelo Gagliano 
>>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi, Caleb.
>>>>>>>>> Did you developed that client? If so, could you share
>>>>>>>>> the source code? I am trying to create a similar
>>>>>>>>> solution, but I am not having much success.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you, Marcelo Gagliano
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 21, 2013 3:12:20 AM UTC-3, Caleb
>>>>>>>>> Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'm currently working on building a Java client for
>>>>>>>>> the Gephi streaming API and will be presenting at the
>>>>>>>>> Seattle Graph Meetup group. I'm aware of the Neo4j
>>>>>>>>> Gephi plugin 
>>>>>>>>> (
> <>)
>>>>> and plan on showing how that can be used too, but I'm curious
>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>> there are any specific Neo4j applications that would
>>>>>>>>> fit well with the streaming work I'm doing.
>>>>>>>>> One thought is to have a mode in the streaming client
>>>>>>>>> I'm writing that tees the streaming to both Gephi and
>>>>>>>>> Neo4j. Of course, someone could just stream to Gephi
>>>>>>>>> then export to Neo4j as well.
>>>>>>>>> I'm not drowning in free time to do this, so I'm
>>>>>>>>> looking for simple integrations to do.
>>>>>>>>> Thoughts?
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>>> -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the
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> Patrick Durusau
> Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB)
> Co-Chair, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS)
> Editor, OpenDocument Format TC, Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
> Former Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
> Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
> Co-Editor, ISO 13250-5 (Topic Maps)
> Another Word For It (blog):
> Homepage:
> Twitter: patrickDurusau
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