What is your use-case for that operation?

There are currently no plans for relationship-indexes.

What kind of data do you have on your relationships?
Perhaps it would make sense to elevate some of the properties into a
rel-type for easier filtering.

Since Neo 2.1 you might have to look at less that when looking up the node
and getting rels for a specific type only (internal storage changed)

Cheers, Michael

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:20 AM, <ch...@vendorx.com> wrote:

> My application relies upon unique nodes (for individual people) and a
> multiplicity of relationships between them. These relationships are all of
> the same type, but have 6 different properties apiece to determine whether
> they're applicable to any given data set (which is external to neo4j and
> not really important here). What I need to be able to do is to find all
> relationships that fall into a certain set of parameters.
> What I've got right now looks something like:
> List<Person> = new ArrayList();
> for (Relationship r : GlobalGraphOperations.at(db).getAllRelationships()) {
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