Hi James,

I'm forwarding the issue you reported to our Google Group, they're much
better equipped to address it there.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Contact Us Request <h...@neotechnology.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 6:52 AM
Subject: Contact Us Request: james glattfelder
To: h...@neotechnology.com
Cc: lars.nordw...@neotechnology.com


This person filled out the *Contact Us form*. Warning: their info may not
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*Marketo Alert Information*
Lead: james glattfelder
Campaign: Contact Us Request.Send Alert - Contact Us Request
Time: Mar 12, 2015 06:52 am PDT

*Contact Form:*

*Interest: *

*First Name:* james

*Last Name:* glattfelder

*Company: *University of Zurich

*Job Function:* Development Manager/Tech Lead/Director

*Job Title:*

*Email:* james.glattfel...@bf.uzh.ch


*Country:* Switzerland

*State: *

*How are you using Neo4j? *


Dear Neo4j-Team, I built a Java framework for loading nodes and links from
CSV files and performing network analysis based on Version 2.1.3 (using
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a 64-bit desktop with 8 cores). Switching to Version
2.1.7 I observe the following: The Java process creates the nodes and the
links between them as usual. In other words, I can count and see the links
from within Java. However, when I stop the Java process and start neo4j
from the command-line and look at the network in the
http://localhost:7474/browser/ and http://localhost:7474/webadmin/# there
are 0 links! Switching back to version 2.1.3 (without touching anything)
resolves the problem and the links are there as expected. Constructing the
links in Java is pretty done in a straightforward manner: Node from =
autoNodeIndex.get(fromIdProp, fromBvDId).getSingle(); Node to =
autoNodeIndex.get(toIdProp, toBvDId).getSingle(); Relationship rel =
from.createRelationshipTo(to, BaseConfig.relTYpe);
rel.setProperty(BaseConfig.singleWeightUsed, w); Just to let you know...
With kind regards, james

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