Hi Max,

You're right, the OGM hasn't actually picked up this jar- possibly because
the domain classes are located in a directory within the jar. It's
something we'll have to investigate- I've opened


On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 3:54 AM, Max Spring <maximilian.spr...@gmail.com>

> Luanne,
> as a stepping stone for embedding OGM into an OSGi bundle, I tried
> wrapping a very simple OGM client into a OneJar archive.
> Here, OGM doesn't seem to find the entity classes.
> The example exhibiting this problem is on Github
> <https://github.com/m2spring/ogm-eval> (including sample output).
> Is there a chance that OGM can be enhanced to enable this environment?
> What do you think?
> I will soon try out the embedded into an OSGi bundle...
> Regards,
> -Max

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