Hello guys, I hope you don't mind this newbee question, but I am trying to 
get things up and running.

I have gotten neo4j (3.4.2 up and running) and spatial installed in the 
plugin directory (when I do a curl on my machine, I see the plugin)...so, 
now I am trying to do some custom development (I am writing an app that 
pulls some data from other systems into the neo4j graph db.

So, here is what I am trying to do right now..I want to import the US 
Census Bureau shape files (standard ESRI .shp file) , for city, states, zip 
codes, etc...but I am not sure how to go about doing this?  From there, I 
will enter a bunch of other spatial data from other systems.  Do I need to 
write my own custom import utility - since I want to rename some of the 
labels?  Also, what are some the key jar files needed to get my java 
environment for development?  

I hope you guys don't mind this question.

Thanks a million for everyone's help!


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