
I'm sorry if this is not relevent (I don't know what DGA is) but to
get the neomagic driver working on my Toshy Libretto (800x480) I did
the following:

Created a Mode Line for 800x480 format and put it in the Monitor
Section of my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. Then put that Mode as the
first mode in each of my Screen.Display sub-section. 

At the moment, it appears that the driver validates the Modes and
rejects the strange laptop ones (See your /var/log/XFree86.*.log)

I understand Egbert is working on providing a proper solution but for
now I have disabled the Validation by setting the following
undocumented option:
        Option "overideValidateMode"
in the Device section.

I take no responsibility if this destroys your laptops panel blah

On 8 Oct 2001, Tony Grant wrote:
> Subject: [Neomagic] DGA on Vaio picturebook
> Egbert,
> Would it be possible to take into account the strange monitor of the
> picturbook (1024x480) in 4.2?
> DGA works just fine on external monitors but not on the internal one. I
> have drawn the conclusion that the format is at fault.
> Cheers

Tony Jewell                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cregganna Computer Consultants Ltd.

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