On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 06:15:48PM +0100, Steffen Hein wrote:
> I found it here:
> http://mland98.rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/pub/Tips/XF86Config/4/XF86Config.nm2070.txt
> The config file is for XF86 4, but the modeline works for XF86 3.3.6 too.
> At first the mode looks a bit strange (because of the missing 30 rows), but 
> after a while you don't even recognize them anymore! It's great.
> ~sth

 Anybody got this to work with XF4? I just tried it, and euh... 800x570
is an unknown mode so it falls back in 640x480.  There is no modeline
definition in there.

 I tried pasting one from :


 But XF4 doesn't like it.

        "Removing mode (800x570) that won't display properly on this LCD.

 Anybody has a clue as of what to do with this? (... how to tell XFree
that yes, I know what i'm doing (not) and want him to do what i tell him :)

        - Vincent
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