Hi there,

I'm using the neomagic driver on an HP 4150 laptop, which has the NM2200

Whenever I try to start the server at 800x600 (16bpp) it freezes the
machine when it tries start the graphic output. No particular messages
in the XFree86.0.log file. This also happens if I start in 1024x800 mode
and I use the Alt+Ctrl+KP_+/- key combo to switch to 800x600. I have not
tested other resolutions yet (besides 1024x800 which works fine).

I'm using redhat's XFree86-4.2.0-72 with the neomagic driver from CVS
trunk (20021023).

Is this a known bug? Any info I could provide that could be of help in
resolving it?

Thanks in advance,


Diego Santa Cruz
PhD. student
Publications available at http://ltswww.epfl.ch/~dsanta
Signal Processing Institute (LTS1 / ITS / STI)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
EPFL - STI - ITS, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone:      +41 - 21 - 693 26 57
Fax:        +41 - 21 - 693 76 00

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