> Those are the ones. ... I'm hoping they're just large neon bulbs and that
> only two pins are used.


That they are ! I actually had a pair of those in my hand, from the
same source. The eBay seller is brokering them for a guy, who doesn't
have an eBay account. Westdave knows both of them, and got a pair from
the guy.

Dave also had me test the pair that he had. They are most likely
cathode poisoned. But probably not in a permanent way. Just run them
for a while and it should clear up. I used a small portable test jig
to run them. It can't deliver more than 15mA at 180V, so only a small
portion lit up.

When you get yours make a simple burn-in jig, using the household
110VAC and a power resistor. I'd start with an assumed sustained
voltage of 70V (just a guess), and peak current of 20mA. 165V (peak
value of 120Vrms) knock off 70V, gives you 95V. 95 goes-n-ta (see
Beverly Hillbillys - Jethro & Advanced Math) .02Amps, 4750 times. So
that's ~4.7K, and 95 times .020 (20mA) is ~2Wpeak; ~1Wrms. A 5W power
resistor should do fine. See how much of the electrode surface lights
up, and see if it grows after a few minutes. If not, make the
resistance smaller. Cut it in half. Keep an eye on it. Don't do a 'Dr
Conrad Murray' (see Michael Jackson), and ignore your patient. Results
may end up similar.

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