Hmm, so i ain't so smart at uploading images! try again...

(but basically, it is a very similar idea to David Forbes Anode


On Feb 6, 5:39 pm, will <> wrote:
> Also, as for current leakage, remember that my DMM literally shows
> like 6mV from anode to ground when the anode is "off", but then for
> some reason whenever the "7" on the other tube lights up, the anode
> voltage shoots up, and the same thing happens to a smaller extent with
> the decimal points.
> On Feb 6, 11:15 am, will <> wrote:
> > Hey MrNixie, I can't seem to access your link.
> > And indeed, now is a time when I find myself wishing for a good scope.
> > I'm trying to contact a guy on craigslist right now for one.
> > I was able to switch my MOSFET pretty well with a totem-pole assembly
> > (two 100 ohm resistors connected to PNP and NPN transistors, both
> > joined at the emitters and connected directly to the gate of the
> > MOSFET). So yes, two resistors and two transistors, but I've already
> > gone and used them. BTW, I'm actually using an IRF730 in my circuit, I
> > saved the IRF740 in case I needed to switch a bigger load.
> > On Feb 6, 5:40 am, "MrNixie (UK)" <>
> > wrote:
> > > Will, This is the point (in case you hadn't noticed!) when a 'scope
> > > comes in real handy! You really want to pursue that - I use mine a lot
> > > for fault finding my designs! It will pay for itself in your time,
> > > Teach you loads and reduce frustrations.
> > > I think your issue is not an AC (i.e. transistors not switching off in
> > > time) issue, but a DC (leakage currents) one. I might suggest a
> > > different arrangement for your anode drivers, tho.
> > > This is my own tried and tested arrangement:
> > >
> > > (i hope you can see that?)
> > > Also, I can save you at least two resistors and two transistors in
> > > your HT power supply. Junk that crappy old chestnut of a FET IRF740
> > > (pah!) and get a decent low Vgs one from the likes of Toshiba 2SK3562,
> > > to name but one. These switch cleanly with a gate voltage of 5V,
> > > supplied STRAIGHT from your controller IC.
> > > Laurence

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