On 2/27/11 5:14 PM, Sixsmith wrote:
We're experimenting with making our own nixie tubes in our shop. I was
planning on making the cathode out of stainless steel, but was
wondering if anyone had any advice about the best material to use.
Would it be better to try to find something rare-earth coated, or
isn't it necessary?

Also, if anyone is in the Boston/Metrowest area and wants to
experiment with us in person, just drop me a line.



That's a good question. I wouldn't know the first thing about the materials used for the Nixie tube. You can rest assured that whatever you guess the composition is, it will be wrong.

You might consider, if you're serious, paying a metallurgist to tell you what the compositions of the metals in a real Nixie tube are.

David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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