It's a dilemma.

Some years ago I found two calculators with pandicon tubes at garage
or estate sales, within a few weeks of each other. Both were in
perfect shape, both working. One was branded "Logic Data", can't
recall the other, but electrically it was a clone of the first.

I have no interest in collecting calculators, but I recognized the
historical value of these items. I basically gave one to the guy who
runs the on-line vintage calculator museum, and sold the second one on
eBay -- for not much money.

I wish now I had scrapped both for the pandicons. I'd love to make a
pandicon clock.... And did anyone see what that last pandicon sold for
on ebay?

So while keeping the calculator intact has it's own merits, there are
certainly cases where it makes both economic good sense and good old
common sense to scrap a device for the tubes. Nice clock or clunky
calculator?  Valuable tube or low value device?


On Apr 11, 12:33 pm, Daniel McDonald <> wrote:
> I have a Monroe 620 Calculator that I bought a long time ago, intending
> at the time to use its Nixie tubes for some other project, and I am now
> questioning the wisdom of that train of thought.
> It's got 13 tubes in it, I think all of them work.  According to Rick
> Bensene, they are "JPC B-5755's (clones of Burroughs parts of the same
> part number)". But now it has some sentimental value to me as a unit
> which might outweigh the value to me of the individual tubes.
> Is there any collected wisdom about the scrapping out of non-prime
> systems for their tubes?  I've got a moderately-sized stash of ZM1000's
> out of things with no sentimental value that will keep me going for a
> little while, but those 13 additional tubes still have some possibilities.
> For reference, here is a link to Rick Bensene's Monroe 620 info:
> What is good/sentimental about my particular unit?
>   - I bought it from Ed at The Black Hole on a very memorable visit, and
> that experience (sadly) can never be repeated.
>   - It has the way-cool-provenance property sticker of "LASL-AEC" on it
> What is not so good about this unit?
>    - It doesn't work reliably.  This could probably be fixed.
>    - It's missing the decimal place knob.
>    - Some of the top vent holes have been bashed and a few of the
> plastic strips are broken.
>    - Ed wrote "$5" on the top of it with black magic marker
> Thanks for any advice or wisdom,
> Dan M.

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