| | Resistors I got, Capacitors frustrate me...
| It is not that hard to understand: Capacitor act just like resistors
| AC. The higher the frequency, the more current can flow ...
| The complex impedance is Z := 2*Pi*(-i)/f*C, where f is
| frequency in Hertz, C is the capacity in Farad and i is the
| ... This just means that the impedance (the
| resistance, basically) approaches zero if the frequency approaches
| Best regards,
| Jens

To avoid the arithmetic, think of the capacitors as little buckets.
Apply a little voltage (pressure) and current (amps, milliamps, ...)
flows into the bucket. If you applied DC, the bucket would just fill
up, then eventually stop (given a constant voltage/pressure). Apply
AC, and the pressure is continuously changing. The bucket fills up,
then it dumps, when the voltage drops. Fills up in the other
direction, and dumps again, according to how the applied voltage is
moving. At low frequencies, the bucket fills up, and waits for a
while, before the voltages shifts, and allows it to dump. At higher
frequencies, the fill/dump cycle occurs more often, meaning more AC
current will flow. So here's a visual analogy of the arithmetic above.
The bucket analogy works, because capacitors will store charge (a
quantity of electrons).

In our logic circuits, we want those buckets real close to our chips.
That way, when the chip needs a lot of juice right away, there it is.
The closer the better. With modern chips, that's right at the power &
gnd pins. The chip makers now put the power and gnd pins next to each
other, and may have a section in their datasheet telling you what that
chip needs ... capacitor-wise. Also, real capacitors you buy in the
store are never like the 'ideal' capacitors seen in text books. That's
why there are so many types. Aluminum electrolytics are the worse, but
have high capacitance-to-volume density. Ceramics are the best
commonly found, but aren't perfect.

That 'i' is the imaginary operator. They use 'i' in math, and usually
'j' in engineering, but its the same thing (j = square root of -1).
Its used so a value can be given as a phasor (both amplitude and
phase, not the Star Trek thingy). Don't let the term 'imaginary' fool
you. Its math-speak, like 'normal' (=perpendicular). The imaginary
component is 90 degrees off of the 'real' component. But if you get
your hands across an 'imaginary' 200V, it will bite you just the same
as the 'real' 200V.

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