
Final version? That's way off! I'm having fun with this design/build but I want to crack using a flyback PSU, I have ideas for brightness control using PWM, improving the image in other ways and improving the quality of the chimes. I also want to try other CRTs especially those with PDA; I bought a long persistence CRT today to see for myself how it behaves having seen Aaron's clock. Lots to do, at least winter is arriving and more time is available to play in the workshop...

I'm not going to make a prof board and/or sell kits as I feel that's the provenance of David Forbes . I might have hacked his design around a bit but the concept and significant parts of the design and part of the software (the font) are still his. Also my Eagle licence is not for profit and limited to 160mm x 100mm and the cost of extending the licence is rather steep (ok, I could use the free PCB design software from RS but I'm not that interested really). BUT, if anyone wants them, I'll make (including drill) a board set at cost but not sell a kit (there are no components that cannot be sourced in the EU/USA that I know of).

I still have a few Approx clock boards and VFDs left. The filament switcher IC and VFD driver chips have gone unobtainium but I have some of them as well. I have it on my todo list to rewrite the code from the pay-for Codevision compiler into the free GCC-AVR which will make the project more accessible for tweaking. Contact me off the list with your wants for PCB/VFD/chips and I'll find out what my costs were.

Cheers Grahame

On 13/11/2012 18:01, Konstantin wrote:
Hi Grahame,

When you have your final version of Scope clock 2, It  would be great for me
to order a few kits or PCB sets, in case you are going to make prof

Please also let me know if you still have your Pro PCB VFD Approx Clock for

Best regards, Konstantin

-----Original Message-----
From: neonixie-l@googlegroups.com [mailto:neonixie-l@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Grahame Marsh
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:25 AM
To: neonixie-l@googlegroups.com
Subject: [neonixie-l] Second Scope Clock

Work in progress for a new scope clock.  But fully working and complete to
date with schematics, layouts, all source code (GCC-AVR) and a description
of how it works.



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