Hi all,

I don't have a great output of clocks what with work and all but here's one
I just got going.

 <http://youtu.be/KiJ3dhK6-Ws> http://youtu.be/KiJ3dhK6-Ws

It uses a AVR Mega32 as the processor, a Motorola Oncore VP timing receiver
and has  PIR switch to turn off the display when nobody's there (very Zen).
The most interesting bit of design was the random number generator used to
index into the dictionary. It uses a zener noise source and feedback circuit
to ensure symmetrical distribution of 1's and 0's. There's a Von Neumann
algorithm in the firmware to iron out any residual asymmetry.

It's amazing how the four letter word hypnotizes people who can't wait to
see what it'll say next...



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