what kind of gas has a green color ?

i once had a cadmium neon laser,it would not fire a beam but the tube did glow
the most fantastic color of green close to aquamarine
so try neon cadmium gas mix



 Helium-Cadmium (HeCd) 325 nm are three examples. These lasers have 
particularly narrow oscillation linewidths of less than 3 GHz (0.5 
picometers),[4] making them candidates for use influorescence suppressed Raman 

      Instrument Resources of America <iracosa...@hughes.net> Jan 10 08:41AM 
      If you'd like other colors you can have white with Xenon filled tubes, 
and also orange and green with some of the other gas regulator tubes.   Ira.
On 1/10/2014 8:08 AM, John Smith wrote:
      "Dalibor Farný" <dali...@farny.cz> Jan 10 06:29PM +0100       
      What kind of gas produces green colour?
sent from mobile phone
Dalibor Farny
 Dne 10.1.2014 17:41 "Instrument Resources of America" <
      John Smith <mrstanle...@gmail.com> Jan 10 12:55PM -0500       
      Most likely Krypton gas...usually the glass is stained to enhance the 
      Instrument Resources of America <iracosa...@hughes.net> Jan 10 10:30AM 
      Well Dalibor, now you have me wondering. Last time I actually worked 
with any VR tubes was years ago, and I swear that one of them had a 
greenish color to it. It may have been due to a 'mix" of more than one 
gas. I'm going to fire up some of the VR tubes that I have and see if I 
do remember correctly or not. Stay tuned for more.    Ira.
On 1/10/2014 9:29 AM, Dalibor Farný wrote:
      "Dalibor Farný" <dali...@farny.cz> Jan 10 08:35PM +0100       
      Hi, from what I saw on internet, the krypton is more white-blue
colour.. The green colour gas is something what I would really like to
try in nixies, especially if it is inert gas.. There are some photos
of discharge in krypton, but who knows how accurate the photo is:
Dalibor Farny
phone: +420 724 321 571
blog: http://dalibor.farny.cz
      "gregeb...@hotmail.com" <gregeb...@hotmail.com> Jan 10 12:23PM -0800      
      If you want green, I suggest green glass and Xenon gas (numerous spectral 
lines in the green region), and perhaps a bit of Helium. I would avoid Neon 
because it's mostly yellow/orange/red spectra.
      John Smith <mrstanle...@gmail.com> Jan 10 03:29PM -0500       
      The really small neon bulbs are sometimes stained to add color.  On neon
signage sometimes gas mixes are used and also various metal halides are
mixed with the gasses.  The large high voltage vacuum tube rectifiers
usually have mercury when ionized neutralizes the space charge.  The
voltage regulator tube have neon and argon mostly.
      "Tidak Ada" <offl...@zeelandnet.nl> Jan 10 09:39PM +0100       
      According to Wiki, Krypton should emit a violetish colour. I guess also 
So maybe you have seen a krypton discharge lamp with an Uranium glass
mantle. The green colour will be due to fluorescence evoked by  the UV-light
that excites the uranium atoms to send off green light.
Beware of uranium glass it is extreme expensive, however, may be in your
country it might still be made (Bohemia?).
Van: neonixie-l@googlegroups.com [mailto:neonixie-l@googlegroups.com] Namens
John Smith
Verzonden: vrijdag 10 januari 2014 18:56
Aan: neonixie-l@googlegroups.com
Onderwerp: Re: [neonixie-l] Re: What to do with a 0B3 regulator tube ?
Most likely Krypton gas...usually the glass is stained to enhance the green
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Dalibor Farný <dali...@farny.cz> wrote:
What kind of gas produces green colour?
sent from mobile phone
Dalibor Farny
Dne 10.1.2014 17:41 "Instrument Resources of America"
<iracosa...@hughes.net> napsal(a):
If you'd like other colors you can have white with Xenon filled tubes, and
also orange and green with some of the other gas regulator tubes.   Ira.
On 1/10/2014 8:08 AM, John Smith wrote:
Try some 866 high voltage rectifier tubes...more yummy purple glow....
On Thursday, January 9, 2014 7:19:37 PM UTC-5, greg...@hotmail.com wrote: 
I acquired a few of these for free (not a bad price), and their faint
purplish glow doesn't produce much of a "wow" factor to show-off. I was
hoping that reverse-polarity would produce more glow; no such luck. Most of
the interesting glowing is hidden inside the  metallic area of the tube.
Even with higher current, the glow was barely affected. It's so dim that it
wouldn't even make a decent night-light. 
Any ideas out there ?
Since these aren't rare tubes (yet...), I'm tempted to repeat an experiment
I did in high school with a 0A2 regulator tube: I cranked so much current
thru it that the plate glowed red-hot, the glass softened and due to the
vacuum, and it shrank around the metal. Watching the poor tube shrivel-up
and die made me laugh so hard I cried.
      Instrument Resources of America <iracosa...@hughes.net> Jan 10 04:08PM 
      Well I'm back from checking the following VR tubes in my Hickok, 0A3, 
0B3, 0C3, 0D3, and their seven pin miniature equivalents, which in 
reality I probably didn't need to check. NO green ones. I swear that I 
remember a green colored VR tube, maybe not at this point. It's heck 
gettin old, definitely not for sissies. LOL. And,,,,,,NO,,,, I'm NOT 
confusing it with the green wilamite in shadow eye tubes, (aka electron 
ray indicators).  Anyone out there remember a greenish colored VR tube, 
or am I losing it?     Ira.
On 1/10/2014 9:29 AM, Dalibor Farnı wrote:
      Charles MacDonald <cm...@zeusprune.ca> Jan 10 07:24PM -0500       
      On 14-01-10 07:08 PM, Instrument Resources of America wrote:
> confusing it with the green wilamite in shadow eye tubes, (aka electron
> ray indicators).  Anyone out there remember a greenish colored VR tube,
> or am I losing it?     Ira.
Different makers probably used different gas mixtures to make their VR 
tubes.  Neon and argon together produce a range of colours depending on 
the proportions.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas-discharge_lamp  claims that Krypton 
will give a green glow.
Charles MacDonald                 Stittsville Ontario
cm...@zeusprune.ca              Just Beyond the Fringe
No Microsoft Products were used in sending this e-mail.
      John Smith <mrstanle...@gmail.com> Jan 10 08:01PM -0500       
      This is getting interesting...never have seen a pure green ionized gas.
There is a possibility it may have been a hybrid gas mixture.  Since Helium
produces a pale yellow and mercury will produce a blue color...possibly it
was a mixture of a few types of gases.  Also some ionized gas will produce
different colors at different energy (voltage ) levels.  Pressure also
enters the equation. As far as any commercial vacuum tube regulators I have
yet to see a pure green color.
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Instrument Resources of America <
      John Smith <mrstanle...@gmail.com> Jan 10 08:10PM -0500       
      I have seen thyratrons glow with a greenish tint though:
      NeonJohn <j...@neon-john.com> Jan 10 08:14PM -0500       
      On 01/10/2014 08:01 PM, John Smith wrote:
> different colors at different energy (voltage ) levels.  Pressure also
> enters the equation. As far as any commercial vacuum tube regulators I have
> yet to see a pure green color.
What we neonists would give for a pure green gas!  Unfortunately there
isn't one.  Krypton does a rather boring greenish tinged dull white.
Neon has an excitation state that decays with a green photon but it's
very hard to get it that excited without laser light.  Copper ion lasers
do a beautiful green plasma but that's not something that could be used
for display purposes.
Unfortunately for the color green, it's either colored glass or phosphor.
John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
http://www.fluxeon.com      <-- THE source for induction heaters
http://www.neon-john.com    <-- email from here
http://www.johndearmond.com <-- Best damned Blog on the net
PGP key: wwwkeys.pgp.net: BCB68D77
      Instrument Resources of America <iracosa...@hughes.net> Jan 10 05:20PM 
      Or I hate to mention LED's  LOL        Ira.
On 1/10/2014 5:14 PM, NeonJohn wrote:
      Instrument Resources of America <iracosa...@hughes.net> Jan 10 05:34PM 
      Green filters?????   Ira
On 1/10/2014 5:14 PM, NeonJohn wrote:
      threeneurons <threeneur...@yahoo.com> Jan 10 11:36PM -0800       
      You mean these ?
If it was April 1st, I'd keep you guessing. Just some fun with Photoshop.
 Ins1 socket
      John Laturnus <johnlatur...@gmail.com> Jan 10 06:09PM -0800       
      Hi everyone,
I'm working on my first clock and am using ins-1 neon lamps for the dot 
Does anyone have some advice on a mounting method? I was thinking twist in 
sockets would be good, but I haven't been able to find a place that sells empty 
sockets I could solder them into. 
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