LOL, there's no accounting for taste. He raised nearly $20k, and he was 
only asking for $6k. What I want to know is, who the hell are these people 
with the money to throw in $600 or more? Two backers over $1800? Ye gods. 
Clearly, putting something on Kickstarter gets the attention of a whole new 
set of people we don't normally reach. I WANT TO KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE. 
Heck, for $800 (total pledges divided by the number of clocks he has to 
deliver) I'll put some old wood and brass tat on my stuff, and I'll even 
use nixies with actual real 5s.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:33:34 AM UTC-8, threeneurons wrote:
> Not the prettiest clock I've seen.

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