> sorry for opening an old post (2012?) but I couldn't see any others and 
> didn't think it with opening a new thread.
> I'm not the smartest hobby electronics person but I do enjoy tinkering : )
> I have been building one of these to add to my small (so far) collection of 
> nixie clocks etc.
> I have the main pcb finished and need to mount the sensor to it's pcb.
> Because it is smd I want to use the 'heated skillet and solder paste' method 
> but I am not sure which way to orientate the chip to the board.

This is the one with the SHT21 sensor on the little daughter board?  The NC 
pins are pins 3 and 4, and
the unconnected pads are the ones toward the through-hole pins.  To put it 
another way, the notch (cut
corner) on the die pad on the bottom should point away from the through hole 
pins, and the sensor
opening on the top of the chip should point toward the through hole pins.

> Can anyone advise please particularly if they have a photo of one?  I 
> consider myself to be Kinesthetic as I learn and understand better by 
> watching rather than reading or hearing hence the photo would be good.

I don't have this kit, so I can't take a photo, but if it would help, I can 
make up a diagram showing the placement
of the chip.

- John

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