Nixie tubes have an internal pressure of about 1/100 atmospheric (basically 
a vacuum), so I would be more concerned about atmospheric gases, such as 
oxygen, leaking-in rather than the neon leaking out. I suppose you could 
buy some spares and store them in a container pressurized with Neon; I 
wouldn't be surprised if they would last thousands of years under those 
conditions.. Many of my nixies are 50 years old, and all of them work fine, 
so I wouldn't worry about gas-retention for  tubes made in the 1980's.

If you are concerned about the radioactive decay of the Krypton-85 
(half-life of 10 years), just run the tubes at a higher voltage, with an 
appropriately upsized series resistor. My anode supplies (+225 to +350VDC) 
are significantly higher than the ionization voltage (about 170V). Yes, it 
does waste some energy (about 2.5 watts on my clocks). I'm hoping to fix 
that on my wristwatch, which reduces the anode supply after ionization to 
improve battery-life.

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